Good day to you, I have 5 fresh articles ready for your consumption. Did you read the article a couple weeks ago about affiliate marketing? I have a follow up this week on how to create your own affiliate program.
This week’s WordPress articles:
- How to Fix “Error Establishing a Database Connection” in WordPress (Intermediate)
In my years working with WordPress, I’ve seen this issue many times. This article does the best job of narrowing down the issue and finding a remedy. In my experience though, if you see this message as you’re setting up the site, it’ll be an issue in your database setup. If you see this message on an existing site, it’s probably caused by either not having enough memory or you’ve run out of disk storage (if your database is on the same server). If that doesn’t fix the issue for you, or you’d prefer a video, check out this other article on fixing this WordPress error message. - WordPress and GPL – Everything You Need to Know (Beginner)
What is the GNU General Public License (GPL) and what does it mean for you? The quickest answer is that WordPress is absolutely free and you can use it however you want. There are pros and cons to this though (mainly pros) and there’s still some legal ambiguity when it comes to themes and plugins that are ‘derivatives’ of WordPress (quick aside here – it’s not too often that I get to use the word “derivative”). - The Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing in WordPress (Intermediate)
As you know, affiliate marketing is where you get a small commission (a cut) each time you link to another site and a sale results from your link. However, you can set up your own affiliate program as well, and give bloggers and other partners a good incentive to market your website for you – for a small commission of course. This article will show you the overall process but if you need step by step instructions on using AffiliateWP, read this article. - How to Build a Business Listing Using ACF Blocks and the Query Loop Block in a Block Theme (Advanced)
With the Gutenberg block editor (the default WordPress editing experience now), you can build your page layout directly within the editor. The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin, allows you to more easily create your own custom data-driven blocks so that you can build your own library of custom blocks that can be managed from the WordPress Admin. For a quick intro, watch How To Make A Gutenberg Block With Advanced Custom Fields – For Beginners. - An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions (Beginner)
Want to use CSS transitions to add a little extra flair to your pages? This extensive page gives you demos on each type of animation so you have an example to see how it works, along with an example. This is an entertaining and useful page for beginners and veterans.
And that’s my five picks. Go out and have yourself a wildly productive and rewarding week!
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